
Click here for a copy of the Relational Completion Procedure developed by Dymond and Whelan (2010). Please cite the following article when you use the RCP:

Dymond, S., & Whelan, R. (2010). Derived relational responding: A comparison of matching-to-sample and the relational completion procedure. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 94, 37-55

For a free copy of the Relational Completion Procedure (compiled code) developed by Munnelly et al. (2013) to train and test comparative (more than/less than) relations, please contact Simon.


Contact me for details of how to obtain a copy of the Contingency-Shifting Iowa Gambling Task (as used in Dymond et al., 2010, JCEN, and Cella et al., 2009, PR; 2010, JAD), complete with modifiable stimulus parameters.